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// MenuBar.swift
// TermKitBackend
// Created by david-swift on 01.07.2024.
import TermKit
/// The menu bar scene element adds a menu bar to the top of the app.
public struct MenuBar: TermKitSceneElement {
/// The identifier of the menu bar.
public var id: String
/// The menu bar's content.
var content: [Menu]
/// Initialize the menu bar.
/// - Parameters:
/// - id: The identifier of the menu bar.
/// - content: The menu bar's content.
public init(id: String = "main-menu", @Builder<Menu> content: () -> [Menu]) {
self.id = id
self.content = content()
/// Set up the initial scene storages.
/// - Parameter app: The app storage.
public func setupInitialContainers<Storage>(app: Storage) where Storage: AppStorage {
app.storage.sceneStorage.append(container(app: app))
/// The scene storage.
/// - Parameter app: The app storage.
public func container<Storage>(app: Storage) -> SceneStorage where Storage: AppStorage {
let menubar = TermKit.MenuBar(
menus: content.compactMap { $0.container(type: Menu.self, fields: [:]).pointer as? MenuBarItem }
Task {
try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 1)
for element in Application.top.subviews {
element.y = .bottom(of: menubar)
return .init(id: id, pointer: menubar) {
/// Update the stored content.
/// - Parameters:
/// - storage: The storage to update.
/// - updateProperties: Whether to update the view's properties.
public func update<Storage>(
_ storage: SceneStorage,
app: Storage,
updateProperties: Bool
) where Storage: AppStorage {